12,000 Women And Girls Make Their Voices Heard On Pain

Thousands of women and girls across the state have shared their personal experiences of pain and its management to help shape the way we deliver treatment, care and support for women in Victoria.

Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas today announced that more than 12,000 contributions have already been made to the Allan Labor Government’s landmark Inquiry into Women’s Pain.

With one week to go until the survey closes, we’re calling on more women and girls to make their voices heard reflecting the diversity of experiences across the state. The survey is available in ten community languages including Arabic, Turkish, Vietnamese, Italian and Greek. 

There’s been an overwhelmingly positive response to our survey from women and girls across Victoria, including family members, carers and supporters as well as clinicians and healthcare workers. We encourage all interested Victorian women and girls to share their story before submissions and survey close on Wednesday, 31 July.

Through the survey, women and girls have told us about the daily impact pain conditions have on their lives.

Survey findings along with written submissions and feedback from more than 20 community forum and focus groups, will inform recommendations to the Victorian Women’s Health Advisory Council by the end of the year.

The Labor Government has a track record of working to improve women’s health outcomes – from establishing Victoria’s first clinic for women’s heart health and launching the state’s first ever sexual and reproductive health phone line. 

As part of our $153 million transformation in women’s health, the Government is also delivering 20 new women’s health clinics, expanding our sexual and reproductive health hubs network, doubling the number of laparoscopies for endo and associated conditions and providing scholarships for more than 100 women’s specialists.

Submissions can be made at health.vic.gov.au/public-health/inquiry-into-womens-pain.