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Victoria’s Ag Sector United In Taking Climate Action

A new plan to build a climate-resilient agriculture sector in Victoria by reducing emissions and collaborating with industry and community has been released by the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Agriculture Gayle Tierney today launched the Victorian Agriculture and Climate Change Statement at Agriculture Victoria’s Ellinbank SmartFarm.

The Statement outlines a plan towards a profitable and productive agriculture sector that takes action on climate change, and is a key part of the Agriculture Sector Pledge released in May last year. The Statement has been supported by the Victorian Farmers Federation and Farmers for Climate Action.

Developed over the last 12 months, the Statement has been informed by engagement through the Victorian Agriculture and Climate Change Council and more than 90 stakeholders and 45 organisations have had their input.

The Statement backs in a plan for agriculture industries to become more climate resilient with projects already underway to address climate change challenges.

At Ellinbank SmartFarm the government is delivering on the Agriculture Sector Pledge, with researchers testing technologies and practices to reduce emissions with an ambitious target of being the world’s first carbon-neutral dairy farm by 2026.

The Labor Government’s Climate Change Strategy, the 10-year Agriculture Strategy, and the Agriculture Sector Pledge all play a vital role in building a climate-resilient Victorian agriculture sector by reducing emissions and collaborating with industry and community to understand, adapt and grow as Victoria targets net zero.

To view the Victorian Agriculture and Climate Change Statement visit

Quote attributable to Minister for Environment and Climate Action Lily D’Ambrosio

“Agriculture is critical to our efforts to halve emissions by 2050, but we must also adapt agricultural practices to a changing climate to ensure the future success of this vital industry.”

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