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New Trees Provide Shade For Locals In Melbourne’s West

The streets of St Albans, Kings Park and Brimbank, and Altona’s Skeleton Creek Trail are looking greener with freshly planted trees providing shade for local communities.

The 588 advanced trees planted along the streets and nature strips in St Albans and Kings Park and 200 advanced trees planted along Altona’s Skeleton Creek Trail are part of the more than 30,000 trees being planted across the western suburbs from last spring to this autumn.

The tree plantings are part of the first phase of the Andrews Labor Government’s More Trees for a Cooler Greener Westinitiative –which will see 500,000 trees planted across the western suburbs.

The Labor Government is investing $5 million to plant the new trees in growth areas across six councils providing more shade and green spaces, driving down pollution and improving air quality.

Importantly, the trees will help reduce the urban heat island effect which leads to higher temperatures and lower air quality in those urban communities without enough vegetation.

In 2018, Melbourne’s west had just 5.5 per cent canopy cover in urban areas compared to 17.4 per cent in the inner south-east and 25.9 per cent in the east.

The second phase of the program is currently open for councils and community groups to submit applications for funding with all projects in Phase 2 to be completed by November 30 this year.

The new trees will also help the Labor Government reach its ambitious target of halving emissions by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050. They will also help realise the goals of Plan Melbourne 2017 to 2050by greening and cooling our city.

For details about projects funded in the first phase visit:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“These trees, together with our investment in local and suburban parks, will help Victoria tackle climate change and support our goal of halving emissions by 2030.”

“We’re planting the right trees in the right places to give local communities in the western suburbs more opportunities to enjoy and explore nature.”

Quote attributable to Member for St Albans Natalie Suleyman

“New trees throughout St Albans and surrounding areas will make the streets cooler and more accessible for local communities creating more shade and green spaces in the western suburbs.”

Quote attributable to Member for Altona Jill Hennessy

“These new trees, along the much-loved Skeleton Creek trail, will make walking the trail cooler for locals and visitors alike.”

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