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New Campaign To Help Victorians Cut Plastic Pollution

The Andrews Labor Government has launched a new campaign to encourage Victorians to use reusable shopping bags, ahead of a 2019 ban on lightweight, single-use plastic bags.

Minister for Environment Lily D’Ambrosio today launched the Better Bag Habits campaign, to remind Victorians to remember their ‘Bag, Wallet, Keys and Phone’ when leaving the house.

Research commissioned by Sustainability Victoria found around three-quarters of Victorians already carry reusable bags when food shopping.

Young Victorians and those on higher incomes have been slowest to say no to single-use bags, particularly when shopping for non-food items.

The new campaign will run on social media and radio.

The Labor Government’s ban on single-use plastic bags will come into effect late next year and will apply to shopping bags less than 35 microns thick.

Community consultation on the change attracted more than 8,000 submissions, with an overwhelming 96 per cent in favour of the ban.

The Labor Government is also working with other Australian states and territories towards a national phase-out of thick plastic bags to further reduce plastic pollution in the environment.

Learn more about the Better Bag Habits campaign at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“Victorians are already saying no to plastic bags, but this campaign will encourage everyone to make it a habit.”

“We’re stopping plastic pollution and ensuring Victorians are ready to live without single-use, lightweight plastic bags.”

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