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100 New Seasonal Rangers To Protect Victoria’s Wilderness

The Andrews Labor Government will fund the biggest recruitment of seasonal park rangers in Victoria’s history to protect the state’s natural wonders over the busy summer period.

Minister for Environment Lily D’Ambrosio today announced $2.8 million for Parks Victoria to hire 100 seasonal park rangers – tripling the annual recruitment.

The program will boost local economies, particularly in regional Victoria, and help manage and protect Victoria’s parks.

The new rangers will help maintain tracks, trails and camping areas, and keep visitors safe.

Park rangers care for 4.1 million hectares of land and host more than 100 million visits to Victoria’s parks and reserves each year.

Employing more seasonal rangers will make Victoria’s unique landscapes and waterways more accessible and enjoyable for visitors.

Further details about the jobs is available at:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“We’re recruiting more seasonal rangers than ever before to protect Victoria’s beautiful parks.”

“This is one of the best jobs in the world and we’re allowing more Victorians to take part this summer.”

Quotes attributable to Parks Victoria CEO Matthew Jackson

“Being a Seasonal Park Ranger is a chance to experience working in Victoria’s unique natural environment – be it beach, mountain, forest or desert.”

“We’re looking for people from all backgrounds – all you need is a passion for people and a love of our amazing outdoors.”

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