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Experts Strengthen This Year’s VCE Maths Exams

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority has partnered with Senior Monash University mathematics specialists in a first-of-its-kind partnership to strengthen the quality of VCE maths exams and the review processes.

Minister for Education Ben Carroll announced the partnership today following recommendations from an independent review conducted earlier this year.

Senior Monash University mathematicians have been involved in the quality assurance processes for the 2024 VCE maths exams and the General Achievement Test (GAT) in a reviewing capacity.

From 2025, these academics will also be on the panel who write the VCAA’s VCE Mathematics examinations. This includes the examinations for Specialist Mathematics, Mathematical Methods and General Mathematics.

The partnership highlights a commitment to the quality of mathematics examinations in Victoria, ensuring that mathematics students are provided with the best opportunity to be assessed fairly on the skills they have attained during their VCE.

It follows the independent review into the VCAA’s examination setting policies, processes and procedures that was chaired by Dr John Bennett AM. The review recommended implementing more suitably qualified academics on the VCE Mathematics examination development panels and stronger examination review processes.

The VCAA has implemented or is on track to implement every single one of the recommendations made by the independent review.

For further information about the VCAA’s exam improvements, go to

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