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More Teaching Opportunities For First Nations People

The Allan Labor Government is helping more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people start a rewarding career as a teacher or return to teaching through the newly established Aspiring Koorie Teachers Now (AKT Now) initiative.

Minister for Education Ben Carroll today announced that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can register to participate in AKT Now and complete education qualifications while they work in Victorian government schools.

The $13.6 million program aims to attract and retain new and returning First Nations people through VET and higher education.

Participants gain qualifications either through a vocational pathway in Certificate IV in School Based Education Support, the Initial Teacher Education program or while studying post-graduate teaching qualifications.

They will be employed in a Victorian government school as Education Support or teaching paraprofessionals for up to two years.

Delivered in partnership with Koorie Education, the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI), and other Koorie organisations, Initial Teacher Education and VET providers, and hosts, it aims to open more opportunities for First Nations people to pursue a rewarding teaching career.

All AKT Now participants will be supported by cultural mentors and will receive department-subsidised remuneration through schools while they study for 12 to 24 months, depending on their program and host placement.

The Labor Government is seeking expressions of interest from schools interested in hosting AKT Now participants as Education Support staff.

This program will operate as an employment program, and participating schools will recruit using their usual recruitment processes.

Schools interested in this opportunity can request more information from the Department of Education at

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