Media Centre

Supporting Men And Youth In Melbourne’s Inner North

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting the delivery of better men’s health and youth support services across Melbourne’s inner north with redevelopment works on the Reservoir Men’s Shed and Youthzone nearing completion.

Funded through the Metropolitan Health Infrastructure Fund (MHIF), the more than $1 million project is replacing the current Men’s Shed/Youth zone with a new purpose-built facility that accommodates the Men’s Shed, Aboriginal health, social support, youth, community programs and disability, and therapeutic groups.

Designed with the input of program participants, the new buildings feature two community meetings spaces connected to the facility’s garden, multipurpose community rooms, men’s shed workshop, storage spaces, shared community kitchen and upgraded pathways and amenities.

On track for completion in August 2023, the redevelopment is delivering modern, more spacious and safer facilities for local men and youth to access the health and support services they need and deserve, closer to home.

MHIF provides funding for construction, remodelling and refurbishment projects, equipment, information and communication technology and other vital upgrade works to expand capacity, improve patient amenity, while enhancing safety and infection prevention and control measures.

MHIF has funded a total of 72 projects across metropolitan Melbourne to date, representing a $265 million investment from the Labor Government.

The Fund supports metropolitan health services to meet service demand, while helping people return home and get back to work, school, family or community life more quickly.

Funding also enables health services and agencies to adopt new technologies and deliver contemporary models of care, improving the quality and safety of care for patients and staff.

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