The Victorian Government is taking action to progress reconciliation and support Aboriginal Victorians.
To mark the beginning of Reconciliation Week 2020, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Gabrielle Williams today announced $920,000 for Reconciliation Victoria – which works to promote understanding, respect and recognition for Aboriginal Victorians.
The funding will support its operations over the next three years.
Reconciliation Victoria has been doing invaluable work championing reconciliation across the state since its establishment in 2002, working with all levels of government, schools, local reconciliation groups and youth groups.
It also delivers signature events such as Reconciliation Week and the Helping Achieve Reconciliation Together Awards.
Reconciliation Week is a significant event on the calendar – capturing both the anniversary of the 1967 referendum for Aboriginal rights on 27 May and the High Court‘s Mabo decision on 3 June 1992.
This year holds even greater significance, marking 20 years since the Reconciliation Walks of 2000, when hundreds of thousands of Australians walked in support of reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
This year’s National Reconciliation Week theme is ‘in this together’.