Media Centre

Free Travel On Public Transport For All Veterans

Veterans will be able to travel for free across Victoria’s entire public transport network to celebrate Veterans’ Health Week thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Starting this weekend, free travel will be available across all bus, tram and train networks for any veterans, war widows, current Australian Defence Force cadets and personnel and school students, as well as any Scouts or Girl Guides.

Veterans’ Health Week is run each year across Australia to emphasise the importance of health and wellbeing of those who have served and their families.

This year’s focus is on mental wellness and ensuring the veteran community has the tools and knowledge to both improve and maintain good mental health.

The Labor Government has invested $2.7 million to provide free travel to veterans, which is also provided on ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and Vietnam Veterans Day.

Veterans will be able to travel for free from Saturday, 26 October to Sunday, 3 November.

To take up the offer, veterans need to travel with one of the following forms of identification:

  • An ex-service association or returned from active service badge
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold or White Card
  • Category ‘V’ Victorian Public Transport Concession Card

Reservations are required when travelling on long distance V/Line train and coach services, with passengers to call 1800 800 007 before the day of travel to secure a seat.

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