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Fast Tracking Cheaper And Cleaner Energy Projects

The Allan Labor Government is getting more renewable energy projects off the ground after accelerating the approval of two new energy projects that will help bring energy prices down.

Brewster Wind Farm near Beaufort and Baranduda Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) near Wodonga were fast-tracked through the Labor Government’s Development Facilitation Program.

The six-turbine 40-megawatt wind farm at Brewster will provide energy for approximately 25,000 households every year. The facility will create 80 construction jobs, as well as 85 local jobs once it is up and running.

The 400-megawatt Baranduda BESS will connect to the Wodonga Terminal Station and have the capacity to meet the evening peak demand needs of 140,000 households each year.

The Labor Government opened up the Development Facilitation Program to include renewable energy projects last year – to get cleaner and cheaper energy projects off the ground faster.

Since then, more than $1 billion worth of renewable energy projects have been fast-tracked, which will provide cheaper and cleaner power for more than 337,000 Victorian households each year.

Prior to this fast-tracked pathway, more than one in five renewable energy project applications ended up stuck in VCAT despite the overwhelming majority of projects being approved eventually – often delaying them by two years.

The Labor Government’s record investments in renewable energy means Victoria has consistently had the lowest wholesale power prices in the country – bringing online even more renewable energy will ensure prices stay low into the future.

Quote attributable to Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny

“We’re fast-tracking renewable energy projects like the Brewster Wind Farm and the Baranduda Battery Storage System because we know the right projects in the right locations means cheaper power prices for Victorians sooner.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D’Ambrosio

“Renewable energy is the cheapest form of new build energy available – that’s why we’ve cut red tape, making sure it can be built sooner, helping bring down power prices and create great new jobs for locals.”

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