Grampians Health Ballarat Driving Towards Sustainable Future
Grampians Health Ballarat is driving environmental awareness in regional Victoria by taking delivery of two State Government fleet battery electric vehicles.
Grampians Health Ballarat is driving environmental awareness in regional Victoria by taking delivery of two State Government fleet battery electric vehicles.
A new plan to build a climate-resilient agriculture sector in Victoria by reducing emissions and collaborating with industry and community has been released by the Andrews Labor Government.
The Andrews Labor Government is creating a new world-class eco-tourism experience along the Great Ocean Road with a new coastal walking trail to allow visitors to explore from Torquay to Skenes Creek uninterrupted.
The Andrews Labor Government is transforming an area the equivalent of 10,000 MCGs into healthy habitat for native wildlife, capturing carbon and creating regional jobs.
The Andrews Labor Government is supporting Victorian vegetable producers to keep food waste from landfill, with innovations that create new jobs and revenue streams.
The Andrews Labor Government is growing Victoria’s clean energy workforce and upskilling Victorians to take advantage of jobs in the booming renewables sector.
The Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA) is driving environmental awareness by taking delivery of its first State Government fleet vehicle to feature 100 per cent zero emission technology.
Visitors to Victoria’s south-west will soon have another place to view the dramatic scenery of Shipwreck Coast with tenders sought for a new lookout in the Port Campbell National Park.
The Andrews Labor Government is improving the visitor experience at the famous Princess Margaret Rose Cave, with safety upgrades and better camping and visitor facilities.
Thousands of Victorian households will soon be able to recycle more efficiently and divert tonnes of waste from landfill thanks to the Andrews Labor Government’s roll-out of the four-bin waste and recycling system.