Expanded Eligibility For Power Outage Payments
The Albanese and Allan Governments will continue to support Victorians impacted by severe weather this summer.
The Albanese and Allan Governments will continue to support Victorians impacted by severe weather this summer.
The Allan Labor Government is ensuring the rehabilitation of the Latrobe Valley’s coal mines sees them transformed into safe and stable sites, as the state’s transition to renewable energy continues.
Thousands of solar panels will soon roll out across Victorian apartment buildings – slashing power bills by around $500 a year thanks to the Albanese and Allan Labor Government’s Solar for Apartments program.
Four new courses in hospitality, youth work, kitchen management and tourism are now available through the Allan Labor Government’s Free TAFE initiative, giving Victorians more opportunities to learn new skills and grow their careers.
The Allan Labor Government is continuing to support more women to enter and succeed in the male-dominated energy and manufacturing industries – with applications for a new round of grants to drive equality in the workplace, now open.
As gas prices continue to rise, the Allan Labor Government is helping Victorians reduce their reliance on expensive fossil gas – easing the cost of living pressures on families and businesses.
Tiny Victorian Grassland Earless Dragons have emerged from their eggs at Melbourne Zoo – the hatchlings are the result of a world first breeding program that could save the species from extinction.
The State Electricity Commission (SEC) is back, and its first investment will help build one of the world’s biggest battery projects right here in Victoria.
The Allan Labor Government is ensuring Victorian secondary students are ready to embrace the jobs of the future, with high quality renewable energy equipment to learn with.
The Allan Labor Government is helping TAFEs and universities work with industry to ensure the training students get will mean they’re job-ready for the future.