New Director To Reform The Energy Safety Regulator
The Andrews Labor Government is continuing its ambitious reforms to strengthen the energy safety regulator with the appointment of a new executive leader for Energy Safe Victoria (ESV).
The Andrews Labor Government is continuing its ambitious reforms to strengthen the energy safety regulator with the appointment of a new executive leader for Energy Safe Victoria (ESV).
The Andrews Labor Government today released its circular economy strategy – Recycling Victoria – a 10-year plan that will completely overhaul Victoria’s recycling sector, create 3,900 jobs and reduce waste going to landfill.
As part of its complete overhaul of Victoria’s recycling system, the Andrews Labor Government is delivering investment for the recycling industry, driving innovation, reducing waste and creating the next generation of jobs.
Victoria will have a container deposit scheme and households will get a new fourth bin, as part of a plan to reduce waste going to landfill by 80 per cent in ten years with a massive overhaul of the state’s waste and recycling system by the Andrews Labor Government.
The headquarters of the new authority that will manage the iconic coasts and parks along the Great Ocean Road will be in Torquay.
The Andrews Labor Government is improving energy safety for all Victorians and delivering on a key election commitment with electrical line workers to be protected by a new licensing scheme.
The Andrews Labor Government is taking action to enable urgent upgrades to the energy transmission network, introducing legislation that will fast-track priority projects like grid-scale batteries and transmission upgrades
The Andrews Labor Government is strengthening Victoria’s collection, storage and reprocessing of electronic goods so valuable resources such as precious metals and plastics can be reused or made into new products.
The Andrews Labor Government is rolling out free training for all Solar Homes installers, to ensure the safety of
workers as jobs boom in the solar industry.
The Andrews Labor Government’s Solar Homes program is driving a clean energy revolution across our suburbs and the regions, with more than 71,700 successful applications from Victorians for rebated solar panels, solar batteries and solar hot water systems.