World Leading Bushfire Safety Tech Installation Complete
The Allan Labor Government is helping keep Victorians safe with the installation of world-leading bushfire safety technology completed across the state.
The Allan Labor Government is helping keep Victorians safe with the installation of world-leading bushfire safety technology completed across the state.
The State Electricity Commission (SEC) is back – and is set to attract and train a new energy workforce, as Victoria powers towards its target of 95 per cent renewable energy by 2035.
The State Electricity Commission (SEC) is officially back, and set to lead Victoria’s renewable energy transition with a focus on supply, homes and people.
The Allan Labor Government is on track to deliver the largest investment in locally-made trams in Australia’s history – supporting thousands of jobs and improving access to Melbourne’s iconic tram network.
Today marks a national agreement between the Albanese and Allan Labor Governments that will unlock billions of dollars to build the skills and prosperity of Victoria.
The Allan and Albanese Labor Governments are building more homes for Victorians, creating a blueprint for the long-term renewal of the Banksia Gardens neighbourhood in Broadmeadows.
The Allan Labor Government is helping put more solar panels on the rooftops of Victorian homes – to slash household bills and reduce emissions.
The Allan Labor Government will strengthen its focus on building the homes Victorians need into the future, with changes to the Victorian Cabinet announced today.
The Andrews Labor Government is helping more Victorians access modern and more affordable all electric homes through an Australian first program that will deliver bulk solar panels and hot water rebates for housing.
The Andrews Labor Government will launch Australia’s biggest ever urban renewal project: retiring and redeveloping all of Melbourne’s 44 ageing high-rise public housing estates to provide the thriving communities and modern homes Victorians deserve.