New Laws To Keep Workers Safe From Assault And Abuse
The Allan Labor Government will better protect customer-facing workers in retail, fast food and public transport roles from assault and abuse.
The Allan Labor Government will better protect customer-facing workers in retail, fast food and public transport roles from assault and abuse.
Victorians now have access to automated external defibrillators (AEDs) at every staffed station across Melbourne’s train network.
The Allan Labor Government has made Reservoir’s boom gates at Keon Parade a thing of the past – as Melbourne’s 77th dangerous and congested level crossing is gone for good.
Victorians now have the option to carry their Driver Licence on their phone, as the Allan Labor Government begins its statewide roll out of the biggest digital card yet.
In Australia and around the world, the cost of groceries, transport and household bills have skyrocketed, and it’s hurting Victorian families.
Getting a world-class public education in Victoria will always be free – but supplies and extracurricular activities can really add up for families doing it tough.
The Allan Labor Government is continuing our investments to create secure jobs and great training opportunities that lead to rewarding careers.
The Allan Labor Government is continuing to invest in services that make life easier for Victorian families – and the Victorian Budget 2024/25 ensures that these services are secure and deliver cost‑of‑living relief.
The Allan Labor Government is investing record funding into Victoria’s world-class public health system, making sure Victorian families can continue getting the right care, in the right place, at the right time.
Families just want the best for their kids, but with cost-of-living rising, school uniforms, camps, sports – the other things that make school fun – it all adds up.