Powering Victoria’s Renewable Energy Storage Future
An additional 150-megawatt of energy storage capacity will be added to Victoria’s grid thanks to a new big battery located at the former coal-fired power station in Hazelwood, Gippsland.
An additional 150-megawatt of energy storage capacity will be added to Victoria’s grid thanks to a new big battery located at the former coal-fired power station in Hazelwood, Gippsland.
The Andrews Labor Government is supporting the state’s workforce as we move towards net zero by 2045, today releasing a 10-year clean economy plan to create the training and skills opportunities for workers, businesses, and industry.
New laws to strengthen protections for children working in cafes, shops and other businesses and make it easier for responsible businesses to comply with their legal obligations come into effect on 1 July.
The Andrews Labor Government is making sure Victorian families can get out and discover the state’s beautiful natural environment, making sure cost of living pressures aren’t a barrier to outdoor recreation.
Community groups, organisations and artists have the chance to be part of Victoria’s state-wide celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) communities this summer.
The Andrews Labor Government is supporting families and children living with disability, providing better access to the services young Victorians need to learn and succeed from the first day of their education to their very last.
More Victorians are getting the skills they need to begin a rewarding career in in-demand industries – with the Andrews Labor Government making Free TAFE open to more people and upgrading TAFEs across the state.
The Andrews Labor Government is giving Victoria’s next generation of recreational fishers the opportunity to get hooked on fishing, with free Little Angler Kits for kids across Victoria.
Eminent academic and university sector leader, Professor Margaret Gardner AC, will be appointed the 30th Governor of Victoria.
The Andrews Labor Government has slashed red tape for thousands of Victorian cafes, restaurants and food manufacturing businesses, removing the need to undertake unnecessary compliance programs.