Victorians can now have their say on retirement village laws as part of a review of the Retirement Villages Act 1986.
The review aims to update laws about retirement villages to further protect consumers, as well as encourage growth and innovation in the sector.
As part of the review, Consumer Affairs Victoria will also be facilitating a number of community consultation sessions during November.
The consultation sessions will be held in Shepparton, Geelong and Melbourne, ensuring all Victorians can contribute their ideas.
The review is being conducted in response to the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Retirement Housing Sector and aims to address concerns around:
- Contractual agreements, including whether contracts are too complex
- Disclosure of fees and charges
- Obligations for repairs and maintenance
- Rights and obligations when selling a village unit.
Victorians can learn more about the current laws surrounding retirement villages by visiting
Those who wish to make a submission, contribute their stories, experiences, and suggestions on the regulation of the retirement village sector can do so by visiting before Friday, 6 December.