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Master Plan To Guide Future Recreation Opportunities

Yackandandah Creek has a new master plan that will guide the development of new and upgraded facilities in the state forest for the enjoyment of locals and tourists alike.

The plan, launched by Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Lily D’Ambrosio, aims to increase opportunities for people to enjoy the forest area at the creek, through upgrades and the creation of new camping areas and facilities, improved access and better links between facilities.

Located around five kilometres from Yackandandah township, the creek is a popular destination for campers, day visitors, horse riders, and mountain bike and trailbike riders.

Following engagement with Traditional Owners, the community, visitors, recreation groups and stakeholders, the plan recommends upgrades to existing campsites, improvements to the mountain bike trail, protection of historic sites, improved access, carparking, walking trails and visitor information.

The plan was developed with $290,000 in funding from the Andrews Labor Government and will complement other major tourism related projects in the Indigo Shire Council including the Beechworth to Yackandandah Rail Trail and the EPIC Mountain Bike Trail.

Stage one works include campsite improvements, a beginner mountain bike trail, walking tracks between campsites, improved parking and vehicle flow, and a new information bay. Works are expected to begin later this year.

The master plan can be viewed at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“Yackandandah Creek is highly valued by both the local community and visitors, offering a diverse range of recreational opportunities which will now be able to be enhanced and improved.”

“We want to thank everyone who has provided feedback and contributed to the plan, which will guide recreation investment at Yackandandah Creek over the next 10 years.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes

“Like everyone in the community, I’m really looking forward to enjoying the new and upgraded facilities that will result from this master plan.”