Media Centre

Preparing Ground For Victoria’s Plantation Timber Future

The Victorian Government is supporting a sustainable future for Victoria’s forestry industry with formal expressions of interest opening for investors and plantation developers to expand the state’s plantation timber supply.

Cutting Red Tape For Small Construction Businesses

Small businesses in the construction sector stand to benefit from tens of millions of dollars in savings through the signing of the Victorian Government’s Small Business Regulatory Engagement Charter.

Getting Victorians Ready To Travel Again

The Victorian Government is giving Victorians the tools they need to safely travel again as the state continues on the pathway to COVID Normal, with updated technology to help Victorians back onto the transport network.

Licence Testing Set To Resume Under Step Three

The Victorian Government is preparing for drivers’ licence tests to resume by providing extra assessment centres, beginning online testing for learners and cheaper testing for Victorians impacted by the suspension during the pandemic.

Celebrating Excellence In Victorian Schools

A secondary school teacher fostering cultural inclusion on the sports field, a principal driving education in the jobs of tomorrow and a primary school leading the way in student wellbeing are among the finalists acknowledged by the Victorian Government in this year’s Victorian Education Excellence Awards.