Media Centre

Crucial Medical Research Joins Coronavirus Fight

Victoria’s world-leading medical researchers are making significant strides in the battle against coronavirus, with the Victorian Government providing support for projects on multiple fronts.

Protecting Our Healthcare Heroes

A big program of work is already underway to drive down coronavirus infections in our healthcare workers as new research released today confirms that most cases are acquiring the virus at work.

New Help For Victorians With Their Energy Bills

The Victorian Government is rolling out a team of financial counsellors and community workers in partnership with community organisations to give targeted advice and support to Victorians who need help with their energy bills.

Staying Safe Is In Our Hands

Victorians are doing an amazing thing – staying home and staying safe. And it’s our actions that are slowing the spread of this virus and reducing the number of people and families that are suffering because of it.

New Era Dawns At Federation Square – Our Meeting Place

The Victorian Government has unveiled the biggest upgrade in Federation Square’s history and a new vision for the iconic site as a civic and cultural hub that embraces the Yarra and showcases the best of Victoria to locals and visitors.

Responsible Pet Ownership Program Moves Online

Victorian primary school students will be able to continue learning about interacting safely and responsibly with pets, with the Victorian Government moving the Responsible Pet Ownership program online.

Pause On Evictions Extended And Extra Renter Protections

The Victorian Government will extend a ban on evictions and rental increases until the end of the year, increase assistance and ensure tenant turnover is taken into account in rental negotiations – giving tenants certainty and security they won’t lose their home or workplace during the pandemic.