Media Centre

Tackling Aboriginal Housing Challenges Head On

Aboriginal Victorians will be better supported to beat homelessness and maintain secure, long-term housing through the new Victorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework.

Nurturing Victoria’s Native Food Industry

The Andrews Labor Government will partner with the Federation of Victoria Traditional Owner Corporations to support the development of a native food and botanicals industry in Victoria and support local jobs.

First Tunnel Boring Machine Breaks Through

The first section of the Metro Tunnel is now complete – with the first tunnel boring machine, Joan, today breaking through to complete the journey from Arden Station to the tunnel’s western entrance in Kensington.

Working With Industry On Our Rail Freight Priorities

The Andrews Labor Government is calling on leading rail freight and industry representatives to join forces to boost capacity of Victoria’s rail freight sector as part of a new Rail Freight Working Group

Major Transport Work Coming In Autumn

Victoria’s massive transport infrastructure program will continue over autumn with the next phase of work concentrating on level crossing removals, major road works and maintenance.

Transforming Recycling In Victoria

Victoria will have a container deposit scheme and households will get a new fourth bin, as part of a plan to reduce waste going to landfill by 80 per cent in ten years with a massive overhaul of the state’s waste and recycling system by the Andrews Labor Government.

Victoria Goes Into Bat For Vital Disability Funding

People living with a disability and their families are missing out on critical services and care because the Federal Liberal Government is withholding an estimated $1.6 billion committed to the National Disability Insurance Scheme across Australia.