Media Centre

New Laws To Modernise Appeals In Victoria

Under the new law, when a person is found guilty by the Magistrates’ or Children’s Court and seeks to appeal their conviction, the County Court will no longer have to hear all evidence again to reach a new decision, eliminating the need for a new—or de novo—hearing.

Grants Help Victorians Get More Active, More Often

Sport and recreation organisations helping Victorians get involved in regular activity have received a major boost through funding allocated under the Andrews Labor Government’s Together More Active program. 

Four Preston Level Crossings To Go

Early works to remove four dangerous and congested level crossings, build two new stations and a two kilometre stretch of elevated rail in Preston will start next year.

New Laws For Local Government

The Andrews Labor Government is improving democracy, accountability and service delivery in Victoria’s 79 Councils, with the new Local Government Bill 2019 introduced into parliament today.

Getting Ready For Three-Year-Old Kinder

The biggest reform of early childhood education is ever closer, as the Andrews Labor Government gets on with upgrading kinders and supporting new teachers as part of the landmark roll-out of funded Three-Year-Old Kinder.

Victoria Leads Call For Urgent Waste Funding From Feds

The Andrews Labor Government is calling for an urgent national funding plan to ensure the states are ready for the waste export ban when it is implemented next year. The National Meeting of Environment Ministers in Adelaide today reached an agreement to ban the export..

Extinct Fish Sighting Back From The Dead

An extremely rare fish thought to be extinct has been reportedly spotted for the first time in over two decades during a lake recovery project in regional Victoria. Two Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon fish (Mogurnda adspersa) are believed to have been identified during fish population surveys at..