Media Centre

Nazi Hate Symbols Now Banned In Victoria

Victoria has become the first Australian state or territory to ban the public display of the Nazi symbol in recognition of its role in inciting antisemitism and hate.

Sensible Winter Settings To Keep Victorians Protected

As part of Victoria’s ongoing management of the coronavirus pandemic, Minister for Health Martin Foley has made modest and sensible changes to pandemic orders to allow Victorians to live safely with COVID-19 while reducing transmission and hospitalisations.

Melbourne Takes Pole Position With F1 Deal To 2035

The Andrews Labor Government has secured the long-term future of the Formula 1® Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne – with the world’s top motorsport category to continue racing at Albert Park until at least 2035.

Breeding Success At Skink Chalet

The Andrews Labor Government is celebrating the success of a new breeding program for the endangered Guthega Skink, a step forward for protecting Victoria’s unique biodiversity.

Cutting Even More Red Tape For Renters

The Andrews Labor Government is making it easier for renters to reclaim their bond money with an overhaul of the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority (RTBA) online system.