Media Centre


I rise to congratulate one of my constituents, master craftsman Dionysius Paraskevatos, for his recent exhibition of model ship replicas, entitled A Mariner’s Passion, at Macleod College, the opening of which I was very pleased to attend. I have known Dionysius for many years, and his passion for model ship making and history is inspiring.

More Housing Support For Aboriginal Victorians

The Andrews Labor Government has released a You Yangs Precinct Masterplan, ensuring the You Yangs Regional Park and Serendip Sanctuary are protected and can be enjoyed by everyone for generations to come.

Historic Action For Climate Change Adaptation

The Andrews Labor Government has taken another major step in responding to global warming by releasing seven landmark Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and a new publication, Building Victoria’s Climate Resilience.

Protecting Ourselves And Others On The Road

Victorians are being reminded to be extra cautious on the roads after a tragic start to the year, with 33 people losing their lives across the state – 13 higher than the same time last year.

Rapid Antigen Tests For Early Childhood Families

The Victorian Government is taking extra steps to protect young children and their families and minimise transmission in vital early childhood education and care settings, with free at-home rapid antigen tests to support Victoria’s youngest learners.

Investment In Schools, Roads, Rail At Record Levels

Victorian major projects, led by the Andrews Labor Government’s unprecedented pipeline of new roads, rail, hospitals, schools and other community-building infrastructure, have reached record levels.

Ten-Year Plan To Strengthen Equality In Victoria

Victoria will strengthen its push for equality, with the release of a landmark 10-year plan to drive inclusion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) Victorians.

Grants For Community Sport Clubs Championing Equality

Community sport and active recreation clubs nurturing and promoting opportunities for women and girls, on and off the field, are again eligible for funding from the Andrews Labor Government. Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence today opened applications for the 2021-22 Change Our Game Community Activation Grants..

Securing Rapid Tests And Making Them In Victoria

The Victorian Government is supporting local manufacturing of Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) to help secure critical supplies for the state and create more local jobs in our thriving medical technology sector.