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New Walking And Cycling Trail In Melbourne’s North

The Andrews Labor Government has delivered the first two stages of the Yan Yean Pipe Track so that cyclists and pedestrians in Melbourne’s north can enjoy improved and safer connections.

Victoria To Lead Nation With Offshore Wind

The Andrews Labor Government will deliver a thriving offshore wind energy sector, as work to plan and develop the Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal off the Port of Hastings gets underway.

Backing Portland As A Renewable Fuel Manufacturing Hub

The Andrews Labor Government is backing more jobs and investment in Portland, with support for a new feasibility study that could see Portland become home to one of Australia’s first green shipping fuel production hubs.

Victoria’s Neighbourhood Battery Boom Takes Off

More communities will be able to harness the power of rooftop solar generation – improving their energy reliability and lowering their bills – by connecting to a neighbourhood battery delivered by the Andrews Labor Government.

Hundreds Of New Places To Charge Up Your Car

The Andrews Labor Government is driving up Victoria’s zero emission vehicle boom, with 214 new chargers including fixed and transportable chargers to be installed across Victoria.

Agreement Secures Transition For Loy Yang A

The Andrews Labor Government is providing certainty on the future of the Loy Yang A power station, delivering energy security and supporting workers as Victoria transitions to more affordable and reliable renewable energy.

PSB Helps Half A Million Victorians Find A Better Deal

More than 1.7 million households have applied for immediate energy bill relief under round four of the $250 Power Saving Bonus - helping ease cost-of-living pressures and getting Victorians on the best energy deal possible.

New Victorian Homes To Go All Electric From 2024

New Victorian households will save up to $1,000 off their annual energy bills while reducing household emissions, as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s landmark decision to phase out gas in new homes.

Women Leading The Way At Energy Safe Victoria

Victoria is undertaking a once-in-a-generation energy transition as it works towards reaching 95 per cent renewable energy generation by 2035 and net zero by 2045.

New Solar Battery Loans To Help Save On Your Energy Bills

The Andrews Labor Government is helping more Victorians take advantage of renewable energy by slashing thousands of dollars off the upfront cost of solar batteries – bringing down energy bills and helping Victoria reach net zero emissions by 2045.

Canadian Clean Energy Innovator Picks Melbourne

The Andrews Labor Government is championing advanced technology innovation and attracting international companies looking to expand in the Asia Pacific – the latest, a Canadian renewable energy leader.

Strengthening Victoria’s Bill-Busting VEU Program

The Andrews Labor Government will ban the telemarketing of products under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program, in a suite of reforms that will protect consumers and strengthen compliance while helping Victorians cut their bills and reduce emissions at home.

Funding For New Whittlesea Youth Hub

The Andrews Labor Government is investing in the future and welfare of young people in Whittlesea with a new Youth Hub, in partnership with Whittlesea City Council.

Victoria’s Clean Economy Workforce Driving Net-Zero

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting the state’s workforce as we move towards net zero by 2045, today releasing a 10-year clean economy plan to create the training and skills opportunities for workers, businesses, and industry.