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Strengthening Partnerships With Environmental Volunteers

The Andrews Labor Government is strengthening partnerships and supporting local environmental volunteers through the Community Skills Development Grants. The grants provide an opportunity for groups and networks to access funding to support their planning, leadership and information-sharing to boost their ability to help protect our..

Mernda Rail Extension Update

We have a big year ahead as construction of the Mernda Rail Extension continues. In this update we take a look at the next stage of work as we start to lay rail tracks along the corridor. Snapshot: December to February Over the past few..

Helping Protect Victoria’s Biodiversity

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting dozens of regional projects that will help protect Victoria’s rich biodiversity. Minister for Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio today announced $4.7 million for 67 new targeted, projects that will help regional agencies and government partners work together to..

New Site For New Wollert Schools

The new Wollert Central P6, Wollert East P6 and Wollert East 7-12 is a step closer, with a site in Wollert being acquired as part of a $236.8 million investment by the Andrews Labor Government to buy the land needed to meet the future needs..

Delivering A Fairer And More Affordable Energy Market

Energy retailers need to make it easier to find a better electricity deal by publishing their best offer on bills as part of new changes announced today by the Andrews Labor Government. The Essential Services Commission (ESC) will also monitor and regularly report on the..

World-Class Bike Trail Opens In Harcourt

The Andrews Labor Government is delivering new world-class bike trails in regional Victoria with the opening of the La Larr Ba Guawa Park in Harcourt – just in time for the Labour Day long weekend. Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford joined Minister for Energy,..

More Police For Melbourne’s North To Support Safer Communities

Melbourne’s northern suburbs will see more police on the streets, with an additional 61 police officers due to hit the beat over the next year as the Andrews Labor Government continues to deliver the biggest boost to police resources in history. Premier Daniel Andrews and..

Architects Appointed For Stage One Of Shipwreck Coast

The Andrews Labor Government is getting on and delivering a new and improved Shipwreck Coast with the appointment of architects to undertake the design of Stage One of the Shipwreck Coast Master Plan. Denton Corker Marshall is one of the world’s leading design practices, having..

World First Guthega Skink Bred In Captivity

Healesville Sanctuary Threatened Species Keepers are celebrating the birth of a Guthega Skink – the first ever born in captivity. It has taken scientists six years to breed this endangered alpine species, which is being cared for in a special breeding facility at Healesville Sanctuary…

New Vertical Farm For CERES Preston

The Andrews Labor Government is helping CERES establish a new indoor vertical farm at its Preston depot and expand its organic food delivery service. Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio today announced that CERES is the latest social enterprise to receive funding..

Helping Volunteers Monitor Victoria’s Rich Marine Parks

A new app will help volunteers and citizen scientists better monitor Victoria’s unique marine life. The new Sea Search app collects valuable information on Victoria’s marine national parks and sanctuaries, and allows the community to get involved in studying Victorian waters. The app is a..

Helping Communities Protect Victoria’s Biodiversity

The Andrews Labor Government is helping community groups protect the future of Victoria’s biodiversity. Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio today announced $2 million for 2018 Community & Volunteer Action Grants, and $116,000 for 2018 Crowdfunding Grants under the Biodiversity On-ground Action..

Stepping In To Support Industry And Councils With Recycling

The Andrews Labor Government is stepping in to help councils and industry affected by China’s decision to stop the import of low quality mixed recyclable materials. The Labor Government will provide a $13 million package for councils and industry to support the ongoing kerbside collection..

Sustainable Housing Model To Be Expanded

The Andrews Labor Government is helping Nightingale Housing replicate its model for environmentally and socially-sustainable housing developments in Victoria. Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate change Lily D’Ambrosio announced today that Nightingale Housing will receive a $100,000 grant – one of the first to be..

Mount Gellibrand Wind Farm Powering Ahead

Construction of the Mt Gellibrand wind farm is powering ahead, with up to three turbines to be erected each week until completion thanks to the Andrews Labor Government’s renewable energy policy. Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio visited the site of the..

Jobs Boom For Portland Manufacturer

Australia’s largest wind tower manufacturer will double its workforce in the next six months, as the renewable energy industry continues to grow thanks to the Andrews Labor Government’s renewable energy policy. Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio visited engineering firm Keppel Prince..

Plenty Road Upgrade

We’re about to start road works between McKimmies Road and Bush Boulevard as part of the $139.4 million project to upgrade Plenty Road. Major works start 14 March 2018. The Plenty Road Upgrade will improve traffic flow, safety, and access to jobs, local schools, shops..

Compensating Victorians Affected By Power Outages In January

Victorians affected by power outages due to extreme heat on Sunday 28 January will be compensated with one-off payments of up to $180 by the end of February. Electricity network businesses Powercor, CitiPower, United Energy, Ausnet Services and Jemena will provide a $5 million package..