
Countdown To Cheaper Regional Fares For Victorians

The Andrews Labor Government is making public transport affordable and accessible to Victorians in every corner of the state, with the regional fare cap coming into effect next week.

Building A Better Future After Prison

The Andrews Labor Government is helping break the cycle of reoffending by offering training in construction to prisoners to help them secure a job after release.

Nominations Open For Victorian Training Awards

Nominations for the Andrews Labor Government’s 2023 Victorian Training Awards have now opened, recognising outstanding achievements in the Victorian TAFE and training sector.

Bringing More Smiles To Victorian Students

More Victorian students are getting critical early oral care they deserve – free of charge – as the Andrews Labor Government’s Smile Squad continues to roll out.

More Trains More Often On Hurstbridge Line

Crews have started a six-week construction blitz to deliver new Greensborough and Montmorency stations, and finish laying and connecting 3.5 kilometres of track and signalling along the Hurstbridge Line, as the Andrews Labor Government gets on with delivering the Hurstbridge Line Duplication.

Family Violence Research Grant Applications Now Open

The Andrews Labor Government is providing $1.2 million for family violence research to support evidence-based improvements and innovation in prevention of and response to family violence and sexual assault.

Safe Affordable Healthcare For All Victorian Women

Victorian women deserve access to safe and affordable healthcare, regardless of where they live – the Andrews Labor Government is making that a reality, reforming and expanding women’s health across the state.

Celebrating Women Now And Always

In Victoria, equality is not negotiable. Every day, the Andrews Labor Government is ensuring that women are celebrated and their interests are advanced.

30 Million Breakfast Club Meals And Counting

The Andrews Labor Government has supported millions of Victorian kids to start the day right, with the 30 millionth breakfast served and further funding announced to deliver even more healthy meals for kids across the state.

Marking Two Years Of Critical Mental Health Reform

The Andrews Labor Government has reached another milestone in its nation leading work to build a new mental health and wellbeing system that will make sure every Victorian gets the care they deserve.