
Industry Experts Signing Up As Victorian TAFE Teachers

The Andrews Labor Government is helping hundreds of industry experts upskill to become TAFE teachers under an incentive program that is bringing extensive industry experience into classrooms across the state.

Investing In Game Changing Research To Break The Bias

A new research and insights initiative from the Andrews Labor Government is aiming to close the gender gap in sport. Launched at the Change Our Game International Women’s Day celebration, Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence today announced up to $1 million will be invested over four years for the Research and Insights Initiative.

Legislation To Ensure Police Can Continue Keeping Us Safe

The Andrews Labor Government has today introduced legislation to ensure dedicated police and Protective Services Officers have the authority and certainty they need to get their job done and keep Victorians safe.

Supporting Multicultural Community Events

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting multicultural and multifaith communities to reconnect, celebrate and share their culture through community festivals and events.

Helping Single Parents Get Back Into The Workforce

The Andrews Labor Government is helping single parents get back to work and provide for their families, with an expanded wage subsidy scheme also designed to address workforce shortages across Victoria.

Marking 150 Years Of Public Education In Victoria

While the Andrews Labor Government is getting on with building the schools of the future, 2022 marks a massive milestone – the 150th anniversary of the Victoria’s world-class public education system.

How Sport Can Reduce Violence Against Women

Community sport will play a role in the prevention of violence against women, on and off the field, as the Andrews Labor Government equips clubs and organisations with new grants and guidelines.

Supporting Multicultural Community Groups

The Andrews Labor Government is continuing support for multicultural community organisations providing essential services across Victoria with a fourth round of grants to assist the social and economic recovery from the pandemic.

Upgrading Our Iconic Royal Children’s Hospital

Victorian children will receive faster world-class care as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s major redevelopment of the Royal Children’s Hospital’s emergency department and high-dependency inpatient unit.

Even More Victorians Accessing Great Skills And Training

More people are enrolling at TAFE and training in Victoria than anywhere in Australia, as local jobseekers sign-up to the Andrews Labor Government’s world-class skills and training system and gain in-demand jobs across the state.

Join The Victorian Disability Advisory Council

Members of the council provide independent advice to government to ensure the voices of people with disability are heard in policymaking, and have provided critical advice throughout the pandemic response.

Shared Equity Opens Doors For Would-Be Homeowners

The Andrews Labor Government is calling on aspiring homeowners to investigate their eligibity for a landmark shared equity scheme that has seen hundreds of Victorians take the keys to new homes in just months.