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Protecting The Iconic Great Ocean Road

The Andrews Labor Government is delivering once in a generation reforms to protect Victoria’s iconic Great Ocean Road.

New legislation has been introduced into the Victorian Parliament that will reform the management of the Great Ocean Road and its landscapes for future generations.

The Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Bill 2019 establishes dedicated management arrangements to better protect the road’s environment and the jobs, businesses and liveability of communities that rely on it.

The Bill gives effect to reforms outlined in the Government’s Great Ocean Road Action Plan by:

  • Establishing the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority to deliver a more coordinated and sustainable approach to land and visitor management. Currently, 11 entities have responsibility along the length of the road with no clear overarching plan
  • Strengthening and imbedding Traditional Owner knowledge and culture into the management of the landscapes traversed by the road and includes Traditional Owner language in the body of the Bill


o    Recognising the scenic landscapes along the road as the one living and integrated entity for protection, with requirements to implement a landscape management approach and stricter planning controls

o    Recognising the state significance of the Great Ocean Road and its landscapes.

The Great Ocean Road is an international tourist drawcard with more visitors each year than Uluru and the Great Barrier Reef combined. Like many popular tourist sites, it’s facing pressure from increasing visitor numbers, natural processes, and the impacts of climate change.

These reforms are about managing these pressures and ensuring the road continues to bring visitors to Victoria, while delivering benefits for the local communities in the region.

For more information on the reforms and action underway

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“We’re protecting the iconic coasts, parks and scenic landscapes that make the Great Ocean Road such a popular and treasured part of Victoria.”

“This is about giving the Great Ocean Road the proper management and protection it deserves.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events Martin Pakula “The Great Ocean Road is one of Victoria’s premier attractions, drawing thousands of people each year from around Australia and across the globe – a vibrant tourism industry helps keep our Great Ocean Road towns strong and supports local jobs.”


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