Media Centre

Victoria Leading The Charge For Electric Vehicles

The Andrews Labor Government is getting Victoria ready for a strong uptake in zero emissions vehicles, making sure Victorians can recharge right across the state.

Consultation is now open on the Labor Government’s Zero Emissions Vehicle Roadmap, which will set out the infrastructure and support needed to get more zero emissions vehicles on our roads.

The Government also launched a new map of locations of existing and proposed charging stations across Victoria, which demonstrates the opportunity Victoria’s geography offers for the uptake of zero emissions vehicles.

Victoria now has 403 vehicle charging stations with 31 more planned for construction. The latest ultra-rapid charging station for electric vehicles opened in Moe earlier this month.

The map will help raise awareness for the large network of charging stations right across the state – letting Victorians know that there a plenty of stops for people taking long trips.

The Moe Chargefox ultra-rapid charging station is one of seven supported by $3 million in funding from the Labor Government.

The Moe site is solar powered and can charge four electric vehicles simultaneously, delivering 400 kilometres of range in just 15 minutes.

Stations like this will expand green tourism opportunities in regional Victoria, especially throughout the Latrobe Valley and Gippsland area, with the ultimate aim being part of a widespread green power charging network across Australia.

The uptake in zero emissions vehicles will reduce emissions, improving air quality and supporting the Government’s goal of net zero emissions by 2050 to fight climate change.

The Zero Emissions Vehicle Roadmap will be released in 2020. To see locations of Victoria’s electric vehicle charging stations visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

We’re delivering a clear plan to make sure we’re ready to have more zero emissions vehicles on our roads – I encourage people to send in their feedback.”

“We’re supporting new charging stations across the state so Victorians to have confidence that they can take their zero emissions vehicles right around Victoria.”

“Uptake of zero emissions vehicles will help us reduce emissions and tackle climate change.”

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