Ms D’AMBROSIO (Mill Park—Minister for Energy, Minister for Environment and Climate Action, Minister for Solar Homes) (09:40): I am delighted to update the house on the success of the power saving bonus and Solar Homes program in my electorate. Almost 16 000 homes in the Mill Park electorate have received the Andrews Labor government’s bill-busting $250 power saving bonus. This is almost $4 million straight into the pockets of my constituents, who are struggling with the cost of living. More than 300 people have called my electorate office for assistance with their application. It has been heartening to hear the immediate difference this $250 will make towards paying their bills as we come out of winter. Not only are the people of my electorate getting this bonus in droves, they are also able to get a better deal on their power bills through the Victorian Energy Compare website. Seven out of 10 households who use the Victorian Energy Compare website to compare retail offers save around $300 off their power bills in the first year alone. Combine this with the power saving bonus and that is nearly $600 back in the pockets of hardworking Victorians. The Solar Homes program is also delivering real cost-of-living relief and moving Victorians into clean, cheap renewable energy. More than 5000 families in my electorate have installed a power station on their roof through Solar Victoria’s $1400 rebate for solar panels, with an optional $1400 interest-free loan, and that means that these households save an average of $1073 each and every year off their power bills. Our government promised to put power back in the hands of Victorians and always put people over profits, and we are delivering for the people of my electorate and for all Victorians.
Hansard Link: Energy Policy