Funding Sustainable Solutions For Packaging Waste
Packaging waste is being turned into new products such as toys and shopping baskets thanks to funding from the Victorian Government, paving the way towards a more sustainable economy.
Packaging waste is being turned into new products such as toys and shopping baskets thanks to funding from the Victorian Government, paving the way towards a more sustainable economy.
Volunteer community groups will soon be saving thousands of dollars on energy costs by installing solar PV systems at no cost, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.
The Victorian Government has awarded grants to jumpstart the roll-out of neighbourhood-scale batteries and energy storage studies to maximise benefits of solar for households, businesses and community organisations as the state works to halve emissions by 2030.
The Andrews Labor Government is investing in new and emerging cutting edge renewable technologies – such as renewable hydrogen, biogas and energy storage – to ensure we are on track to hit our net zero emissions goals.
The Andrews Labor Government has announced six new major energy projects across regional Victoria, that will prepare our grid for the unprecedented load of renewable energy in the pipeline.
Victoria’s unique and precious marine and coastal environments will be further protected by a new strategy released today for consultation by the Andrews Labor Government.
The Andrews Labor Government will help thousands of low-income Victorians upgrade their inefficient heating and cooling systems – improving the comfort of their homes, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and saving households up to $300 per year on their energy bills.
The Victorian Government is helping businesses to switch to renewable hydrogen, with $7.2 million in funding to deliver trials, pilots and feasibility studies that will enable them to take the first steps in transitioning to this clean energy alternative, as Victoria works to halve its emissions by 2030.
The Victorian and Queensland Governments have secured a deal to share a Large Air Tanker to support aerial firefighting capacity in both states during their respective bushfire seasons.
Used coffee grounds equivalent to six million lattes will be composted into Victorian gardens as the Andrews Labor Government boosts funding for new and innovative projects to divert food waste from landfill.