Traditional Owner Solar Project Launches
The Andrews Labor Government is supporting Traditional Owner groups’ self-determination and economic independence while driving down emissions through renewable energy projects.
The Andrews Labor Government is supporting Traditional Owner groups’ self-determination and economic independence while driving down emissions through renewable energy projects.
The Andrews Labor Government is supporting communities to recycle by investing in sorting and collection facilities in regional Victoria, diverting waste from landfill and creating local jobs.
The Andrews Labor Government is continuing to lead the nation on climate action – smashing the state’s 2020 emission reduction targets on our path to net zero while driving Victorian families’ power bills down.
Grampians Health Ballarat is driving environmental awareness in regional Victoria by taking delivery of two State Government fleet battery electric vehicles.
A new plan to build a climate-resilient agriculture sector in Victoria by reducing emissions and collaborating with industry and community has been released by the Andrews Labor Government.
The Andrews Labor Government is transforming an area the equivalent of 10,000 MCGs into healthy habitat for native wildlife, capturing carbon and creating regional jobs.
The Andrews Labor Government is growing Victoria’s clean energy workforce and upskilling Victorians to take advantage of jobs in the booming renewables sector.
The Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA) is driving environmental awareness by taking delivery of its first State Government fleet vehicle to feature 100 per cent zero emission technology.
Thousands of Victorian households will soon be able to recycle more efficiently and divert tonnes of waste from landfill thanks to the Andrews Labor Government’s roll-out of the four-bin waste and recycling system.
Geelong’s major services are reducing their emissions and cutting energy costs with a new agreement to run off 100 per cent renewable electricity from a local wind farm.