More Women Powering Victoria‘s Renewable Future
The Andrews Labor Government is boosting the number of women working in solar, making the state’s rapidly growing renewables sector more diverse and helping meet skilled worker demand.
The Andrews Labor Government is boosting the number of women working in solar, making the state’s rapidly growing renewables sector more diverse and helping meet skilled worker demand.
The Andrews Labor Government is driving down the cost of living and emissions with the nation’s first Gas Substitution Roadmap, giving Victorians more control over their energy bills.
Government incentives for energy efficient refrigerated cabinets will be removed from the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program as of today until a full activity review can be undertaken.
The Andrews Labor Government is delivering new ways to use our organic waste, boosting jobs across Victoria and diverting waste from landfill while halving emissions by 2030.
Hundreds of Victorian electricians will be given the chance to upskill and work on electric vehicle technology as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s plan to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
The Andrews Labor Government is recognising the leadership of Victorian students, teachers, schools and communities in combatting climate change and saving resources by embracing sustainability.
The Andrews Labor Government is protecting the community and the environment by helping Victorians to safely dispose of unwanted household chemicals.
The Andrews Labor Government is reducing waste by supporting the design and development of new ways to use recycled materials in everyday products.
The Andrews Labor Government is expanding training for solar workers as part of Free TAFE, helping support the booming solar sector to cut emissions and slash power prices for more Victorian families.
Bus diesel mechanics and transport technicians are invited to enhance their skills through the Andrews Labor Government’s new pilot course that will gear them up to work on zero emission electric vehicles, as Victoria works to halve its emissions by 2030.