Victorian Landcare Grants And Junior Grants Now Open
The Andrews Labor Government is helping volunteers and young people across Victoria protect and restore our natural environment.
The Andrews Labor Government is helping volunteers and young people across Victoria protect and restore our natural environment.
Five spectacular new lookouts will be built in northern Melbourne’s Plenty Gorge Park as part of a major new trail along the Plenty River.
Visitors to Wilsons Promontory National Park will have more options for staying longer with tenders being sought to build new accommodation for the park.
The Andrews Labor Government is protecting and promoting our vulnerable wildlife and giving Victorians opportunities to connect to our unique native species.
The bid to save the critically endangered Orange-bellied Parrot was boosted this week, as part of an innovative trial supported by the Andrews Labor Government.
The Andrews Labor Government is protecting one of Victoria’s favourite attractions, ensuring some of Werribee Open Range Zoo’s largest residents will have a secure and sustainable water source into the future.
The Andrews Labor Government is tackling climate change with 210,000 new trees being planted in the west of Melbourne by November, growing green spaces, driving down pollution and creating jobs.
The Andrews Labor Government is getting on with providing new and upgraded open space right across Melbourne, with local communities playing a vital role in shaping the design and feel of the new spaces.
The Andrews Labor Government is transforming parcels of private land – that combined cover an area five times the size of the City of Melbourne – into new habitats helping Victorian wildlife thrive and capturing carbon.
Thousands of Victorians are saving up to $500 a month on fuel costs after taking advantage of the Andrews Labor Government’s nation leading Zero Emissions Vehicle subsidy.