Empowering Communities To Respond To Climate Change
The Andrews Labor Government is empowering Victorian communities across the state to prepare and adapt to the impacts of climate change with the development of six new community-led action plans.
The Andrews Labor Government is empowering Victorian communities across the state to prepare and adapt to the impacts of climate change with the development of six new community-led action plans.
The Andrews Labor Government today released a plan for the state’s first landscape conservation area − an area in Melbourne’s east that will preserve the biodiversity of almost 3,000 hectares of land and water frontages.
The Victorian Government has introduced new measures to strengthen the state’s waste and recycling sector to deliver new services such as the container deposit scheme and four bin recycling system.
The Victorian Government is reducing the risk of bushfires and fostering energy resilience in regional communities with nation-leading powerline and microgrid initiatives.
A new long-distance walking, cycling and water-based adventure trail along the Murray River is one step closer today with tenders opening for planning and designing the Murray River Adventure Trail.
The Victorian Government is encouraging people doing it tough to apply for the one-off $250 Power Saving Bonus.
The Victorian Government is delivering 154 grants to community, volunteer and Traditional Owner groups across the state to protect our environment and enhance biodiversity.
The Bay Trail in Melbourne’s west will soon be connected between Point Cook Coastal Park and Sanctuary Lakes − giving cyclists and pedestrians a new and safe way to access the park’s facilities and views of the city, Port Phillip and Cheetham Wetlands.
The Victorian Government introduced legislation in Parliament today that will ensure the iconic Great Ocean Road is protected by reforming how the road’s coast and parks are managed.
The Victorian Government is helping Victorians from multicultural backgrounds in Mill Park continue putting healthy and culturally appropriate food on the table as Victorians do their bit by staying home.