Topic: "planning"

272 Related Items Found

Backing Manufacturers To Lead Our Low Carbon Future

Businesses are being supported to upskill and capitalise on opportunities to manufacture low carbon products, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government. Minister for Industry Support and Recovery Ben Carroll today announced applications are now open for the Low Carbon Manufacturing Grant Program – a Labor Government investment..

Rolling Out Nation-First Recycling Reform

Victorian households will be able to recycle everything from soft plastics to used pizza boxes in the coming years, as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s massive transformation of Victoria’s recycling systems.

Investment Boosting Regional Recycling

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting communities to recycle by investing in sorting and collection facilities in regional Victoria, diverting waste from landfill and creating local jobs.

Victoria Smashes Emissions Targets

The Andrews Labor Government is continuing to lead the nation on climate action – smashing the state’s 2020 emission reduction targets on our path to net zero while driving Victorian families’ power bills down.