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Updated Road Safety Act And Regulations Put Safety First

Victorian drivers are urged to ensure their address details are up to date ahead of new legislative changes designed to keep dangerous drivers off our roads.

Minister for Roads, Road Safety and the TAC Jaala Pulford today announced changes to the Road Safety Act 1986 and the new Road Safety (Drivers) Regulations 2019, which come into effect on 29 October.

As part of the changes important notices delivered in the mail, such as demerit point notices, will be deemed served even if they are returned undelivered. This enables VicRoads to apply penalties, even if a notice is returned undelivered.

Drivers and registered operators are already required to advise VicRoads of any address change and are encouraged to keep their details up to date to ensure they receive important notices that may affect their licence or registration.

The legislative changes will also simplify the demerit point system, building on changes introduced over the last 12 months such as higher penalties for high-range speeding and driving unlicensed.

Under these changes, more driving offences will breach the 12-month good behaviour bond and demerit point suspensions will run at the same time as other licence suspensions or cancellations – as they currently do for serious driving offences.

Under the changes, all drivers with overseas or interstate licences will be required to get to a Victorian licence after living in Victoria for six months or more, including temporary visa holders.

Learner drivers caught driving a motor vehicle without a supervising driver sitting beside them will receive three demerit points, on top of the $826.10 fine and Learner drivers failing to display an L plate will receive one demerit point, on top of the $165.22 fine.

Learner motorcyclists riding a motorcycle without an approved hi-vis vest or jacket will receive one demerit point, on top of the $165.22 fine, and the definition of a Probationary Prohibited Vehicle (PPV) has been simplified and it will now also include Club Permit vehicles.

The Department of Transport will carry out a public information campaign to make drivers and registered operators aware of the changes.