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Solar Hotspots Powering Victoria’s Clean Energy Boom

Melbourne’s outer suburbs are leading Victoria’s household solar boom – slashing their energy bills by hundreds of dollars each year thanks to the Andrews Labor Government’s $1.3 billion Solar Homes Program.

Growing Jobs For Energy Retailer In Geelong

The Andrews Labor Government is backing renewable energy provider Pacific Hydro to create 64 full-time jobs in Geelong by establishing their retail electricity arm Tango Energy.

Breeding Success At Skink Chalet

The Andrews Labor Government is celebrating the success of a new breeding program for the endangered Guthega Skink, a step forward for protecting Victoria’s unique biodiversity.

New Trust For Nature Board Appointed

The Andrews Labor Government is ensuring the continued protection of our precious native habitat for future generations to enjoy.

Storm Repairs Moving Ahead On 1,000 Steps

Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio today announced the appointment of Earth and Environment Constructions to repair and replace concrete steps and handrailing along the 1.4-kilometre track in challenging terrain.

Communities Saving With Neighbourhood Batteries

The Andrews Labor Government is helping Victorians save on power bills, driving down the cost of living and cutting emissions with neighbourhood batteries to store solar energy.

Schools Celebrated For Sustainability Leadership

The Andrews Labor Government is recognising the leadership of Victorian students, teachers, schools and communities in combatting climate change and saving resources by embracing sustainability.

More Ways To Stay At Wilsons Prom

Visitors to Wilsons Promontory National Park will have more options for staying longer with tenders being sought to build new accommodation for the park.