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Cutting Home And Business Energy Bills

The Andrews Labor Government is helping even more Victorians save hundreds of dollars each year on their energy bills. Eligibility for Victoria’s nation leading $1.3 billion Solar Homes program will be expanded, enabling households to access rebates for both solar panels and solar hot water..

More Solar Training With Free TAFE Short Courses

The Andrews Labor Government is expanding training for solar workers as part of Free TAFE, helping support the booming solar sector to cut emissions and slash power prices for more Victorian families.

Over 200,000 Trees For The West

The Andrews Labor Government is tackling climate change with 210,000 new trees being planted in the west of Melbourne by November, growing green spaces, driving down pollution and creating jobs.

Electric Buses En Route To Regional Victoria

Electric buses will enter the regional bus network for the first time as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s three-year Zero Emissions Bus Trial – creating a cleaner and more sustainable transport network.

More Open Space In The Suburbs With Three New Parks

The Andrews Labor Government is getting on with providing new and upgraded open space right across Melbourne, with local communities playing a vital role in shaping the design and feel of the new spaces.

Mechanics Invited To Upskill And Work On Clean Vehicles

Bus diesel mechanics and transport technicians are invited to enhance their skills through the Andrews Labor Government’s new pilot course that will gear them up to work on zero emission electric vehicles, as Victoria works to halve its emissions by 2030.

Bushbank To Regenerate Habitats And Drive Jobs

The Andrews Labor Government is transforming parcels of private land – that combined cover an area five times the size of the City of Melbourne – into new habitats helping Victorian wildlife thrive and capturing carbon.

Cultural Burning To Protect Local Communities

Traditional Owners are being supported to lead land management and cultural burning on Country, as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s ongoing work towards Aboriginal self-determination.

Greening The Pipeline And Growing Communities

The Andrews Labor Government is building a thriving network of parklands in Melbourne’s west, with works on the first major section of the Greening the Pipeline project now underway.