
North East Link To Deliver Huge Boost To Community Sport

With early works now well underway on the North East Link, the Andrews Labor Government will deliver a massive boost to local sporting facilities so clubs can keep playing during the construction and operation of the project.

Nurses Upskill To Prepare Health Services For The Future

Victoria’s health system has received a major workforce boost with thousands of nurses undertaking additional training ahead of the coronavirus pandemic – developing new skills that will continue to be put to good use in our hospitals into the future.

Getting Our Kids Back Into The Classroom

Victorian government school students will begin a phased return to classrooms before the end of May, following advice from Victoria’s Chief Health Officer that it is safe for the community to do so.

BREAKING - Statement From The Premier

Over the past two weeks, we’ve tested more than 160,000 Victorians for coronavirus. I want to thank each and every one of them for playing their part in protecting our state.

Crack Investigative Teams For Coronavirus Outbreaks

New rapid response teams will be established to prevent, respond to and limit outbreaks as part of a major coronavirus surveillance boost announced today by the Victorian Government to coincide with the first step in easing restrictions.

Delivering Access To Justice For More Victorians

More Victorians will have access to justice thanks to a funding boost from the Victorian Government to support legal assistance services to continue to operate during the coronavirus crisis.

Standing Up For Victorian Basin Communities

The Andrews Labor Government continues to stand up for Victorian irrigation communities, to ensure they are not unfairly impacted by proposed projects to recover more water towards the Basin Plan’s extra 450 gigalitres of water.

Helping Kinder Kids To Learn From Home

The Victorian Government is making extra resources available to kindergartens to help children learning at home during the coronavirus pandemic.

Saving Jobs And Reducing The Burden On Businesses And Families

The Victorian Government will provide a further $491 million in tax relief to help save businesses and jobs, and freeze a host of fees, charges and levies to reduce the financial burden on households in another package to support Victorian businesses, workers and families through the coronavirus crisis.

Victoria Passes Half-Way Mark In Testing Blitz

More than 55,000 samples have been taken in the first week of Victoria’s coronavirus testing blitz – as the Victorian Government continues the push for more people to visit one of more than 90 sites across the state to get tested.

Treating More People At Home To Save Lives

Thousands of Victorian families are seeing their doctor from the comfort of their home as part of a telehealth boom at The Royal Children’s Hospital, as coronavirus changes the way we access healthcare.

Keeping Victoria Together During Coronavirus

To help keep Victorians connected – and help keep our creators creating – the Victorian Government has launched Victoria Together, a new online portal showcasing the best our state has to offer from live music and comedy, to the amazing animals at Melbourne Zoo.

New Higher Apprenticeship Scheme Rolls Out Online

Future leaders in the social services sector have logged on for their first online gathering as part of an innovative new higher apprenticeship scheme that allows participants to earn while they learn.

Latest Victorian Health Performance Data Released

Victoria’s health system performance data has been released for the first three months of the year – a period marked by fluctuations in activity caused by the coronavirus pandemic and wide-spread bushfires.

Laws Commence To Deliver Fairer Birth Certificates

Trans and gender diverse Victorians can now alter the sex recorded on their birth certificate without having to undergo invasive and costly sex affirmation surgery, with new laws now in effect.