
Australia’s Biggest Ever Urban Renewal Project

The Andrews Labor Government will launch Australia’s biggest ever urban renewal project: retiring and redeveloping all of Melbourne’s 44 ageing high-rise public housing estates to provide the thriving communities and modern homes Victorians deserve.

Tram Timetable Changes To Boost Evening Travel

The Andrews Labor Government will introduce timetable changes next month to optimise the tram network and boost evening travel, so more Victorians can enjoy the city’s world-class nightlife and get home safely.

First Social Housing Accelerator Project In Carlton

More Victorians will have a place to call home in inner Melbourne, as the redevelopment of the old Carlton red brick public housing towers becomes the first Social Housing Accelerator project announced in the nation, thanks to the Andrews and Albanese Labor Governments.

New Milestone For Moderna Vaccine Facility

Thanks to the Andrews Labor Government, Victorians are one step closer to locally manufactured mRNA vaccines and medicines, with construction of Moderna’s mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility reaching the halfway mark, ahead of schedule.

CDS Vic To Create More Than 600 Jobs Across The State

The Andrews Labor Government will create more than 600 new jobs through Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic), which will reduce the state’s litter by up to half when it begins later this year.

Urgent Care Initiatives Supporting Thousands Every Week

Victorians are accessing Priority Primary Care Clinics (PPCCs) and the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED) as alternative urgent care options in record numbers – as our hardworking paramedics and emergency department staff face record demand.

Giving Even More Victorians A Place To Call Home

More key workers and low-income Victorian families will have a place to call home thanks to an Andrews Labor Government initiative delivering more social and affordable housing.

More Support For People Experiencing Homelessness

The Magpie Nest housing program will continue to make improve the lives of more than 100 people experiencing or at risk of homelessness thanks to funding from the Andrews Labor Government.

Victorians Urged To Prepare For Upcoming Fire Season

The latest Seasonal Bushfire Outlook for spring suggests that Victorians can expect a drier and warmer spring, with a high chance of an earlier start to the fire season in the central, western and northern parts of the state.

Local Sports Clubs Play On With New Funds

The latest round of the Andrews Labor Government’s Sporting Club Grants Program will continue to break barriers for grassroots sport and recreation organisations, encouraging local communities to stay healthy and active.

Making Teaching Free To Back Our School Workforce

The Andrews Labor Government will make studying to become a teacher in secondary schools in Victoria free, with scholarships covering the cost of degrees to help boost our school workforce and support hardworking teachers.