
Victoria Boosts GPs And Pharmacies For Vaccine Push

The Victorian Government is offering grants of $4,000 and up to $10,000 to GPs and community pharmacies in 11 key Local Government Areas across Melbourne, helping them to turbocharge the local rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Speaking Up Against Workplace Violence

The Andrews Labor Government is backing a WorkSafe campaign reminding Victorians that work-related violence and aggression is never ok, and ensuring employers are aware of their occupational health and safety obligations.

Pathway For Vaccinated Victorians To Come Back Home

With Victoria moving towards its vaccination targets at a rapid pace, parts of the state’s domestic travel permit system will be modified to allow Victorians in Greater Sydney and the ACT to come back home.

Expanded Free TAFE Turbocharges Post-COVID Victoria

The Andrew Labor Government’s signature Free TAFE initiative will grow to more than 60 courses in 2022 – giving more Victorians training for more jobs as the state moves through and beyond the coronavirus pandemic.

Following The Three Vs For A Safe Return To School

The Victorian Government is making sure the return to the classroom is as safe as possible, with the biggest investment in education ventilation in Australian history to be rolled out across Victorian schools as part of a plan to keep school communities protected with the Three Vs: Ventilation, Vaccination and Vital COVIDSafe Steps.

Targeted Support For International Student Wellbeing

New investments will enhance the experience of Victoria’s international students, with programs ranging from jobs guidance to mental health support and backing for the inaugural Melbourne International Student Week.

Victoria’s Roadmap: Delivering The National Plan

Victoria’s new Roadmap to Deliver the National Plan released today sets us on a hopeful path to opening while also preserving our health system and ensuring Victorians can still get the healthcare they need, when they need it most.

Keeping The Community Safe With New COVID Immunity Test

A new finger prick test that can quickly assess a person’s immunity to COVID-19 and whether they need a coronavirus booster shot is being developed with funding support from the Victorian Government.

Laws Pass To Boost Safety At Work

New laws will pave the way for expanded workplace safety rights and protections, stronger employer accountability and more efficient enforcement processes.

Securing The Future Of Endangered Aboriginal Languages

The Victorian Government is supporting a new team of specialist teachers to help revive language on country and in classrooms across Victoria as part of the preservation of endangered Aboriginal languages.

Creating Kinders That Work For Every Victorian Child

The Victorian Government is helping our youngest learners get the best start in life, making local kindergartens inclusive for children of all abilities with facility upgrades, specialist equipment and state-of-the-art technology.

More Mental Health Support, Close To Home

As the serious Delta outbreak continues across the state, the Victorian Government is making sure more Victorians struggling during this difficult period have access to the mental health and wellbeing support they need.