
Investing In Future Low Emission Technologies

The Victorian Government is continuing to back research and development that harnesses our valuable resources to generate new industries and local jobs in a low emissions environment.

State Of Emergency Extended To Keep Slowing The Spread

The State of Emergency in Victoria will be extended for another three weeks to slow the spread of coronavirus and keep people safe as restrictions are cautiously eased across the state from Monday June 1

A Fairer, Simpler Fire Services Property Levy To Keep Us Safe

The Fire Services Property Levy rate will be reduced on residential properties across the state as part of an overhaul that will make the charge simpler and more consistent – and reflect the establishment of Fire Rescue Victoria.

Awards Recognise Victoria’s Early Years Professionals

Victorians are encouraged to recognise the outstanding work of early years professionals in improving the lives of young children by nominating an individual or organisation for a Victorian Early Years Award.

Silica Health Assessments Pass Halfway Target

More than half of Victoria’s 1,400 stonemasons have now registered for silica health screening, as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s comprehensive action plan to address and prevent unsafe silica exposure.

Statement From The Premier

One of the key things that won’t change is working from home. If you’re currently working from home – you must keep working from home.

New Jobs Hub For Family Violence Workforce

The Victorian Government has launched a new jobs hub dedicated to the family violence workforce – to help link people wanting to work in the industry with employers that need staff to help protect women and children.

More Time To Design A Better Mental Health System For Victoria

The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System has been granted a three-month extension on the delivery of its final report due to the impacts of coronavirus, ensuring the Commission has the time it needs to engage with Victorians.

Free TAFE Supporting Coronavirus Response And Recovery

The Victorian Government is leading a rapid, coordinated response to ensure the TAFE and training sector continues to provide the skills the state needs to respond to the coronavirus crisis and prepare for recovery.

More Time To Get Your Pool Registered

The Victorian Government is extending the deadline for the mandatory registration of private pools and spas due to the impacts of coronavirus.

Building Recovery Taskforce Continues Fast Tracking

The Victorian Government has fast tracked more than $1.2 billion worth of building and development projects as part of its ongoing work to kickstart Victoria’s economy and create thousands of jobs.

Victoria’s Unclaimed Millions

A windfall of hundreds of millions of dollars is waiting to be claimed by Victorians in long-lost wages, rental bonds and share dividends.

Clubs, Community Win Big With Local Sports Support

Community sporting clubs and associations can now make their pitch for a share of more than $100 million in Victorian Government grants dedicated to supporting grassroots players and volunteers.